Almost every Pakistani would have heard about Kalabagh Dam project and also aware of the resistance against the project.

I'm gonna tell you all about the Kalabagh Dam Project.

What is Kalabagh?

Kalabagh Dam Location

Kalabagh is a town in Mianwali District, Punjab. It is situated on the western bank of the river Indus.

Due to its geographical importance, it is considered to be a very good place for a dam to be constructed. 

In 1979, a project for the construction of the dam called Kalabagh Dam started.

It had the approval of all the four provinces but after the execution of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the project has been very controversial. This controversy has been given ethnic and political color.

Despite the political resistance, the work on Kalabagh Dam continued for some time until it was halted finally.

Political parties of Sindh and KPK mainly, have reservations about the Kalabagh Dam. People of these two provinces also have some reservations of their own but the controversy is mainly because of the political parties.

Why is this project opposed?

This project is opposed for different reasons.

Some question the feasibility of the project but it is not much an issue because the basic plan of the construction of the dam had been worked out a long time ago.

Provincial assembly of KPK province rejected the Kalabagh Dam project because it feared that the Nowshera would drown in the river water. It is feared that the level of the river water would rise due to dam and Nowshera being at the lower level would drown completely.

Sindhi's have their own reservations. They fear that Punjab would get all the water by building the dam and they would be deprived of the water, affecting irrigation there.

Since Sindh touches Arabian sea so the fresh water from the Indus river is holding back the sea-water. Thus irrigation is possible.

They fear that if the water level of the Indus river is decreased it would not be able to hold back sea-water. Marine water would not only make land infertile but also not suitable for other usages.

I've learned a lot and also got many unforgettable memories in my head during my 2-year journey in Emerson College (Multan).

My college years were quite exhausting and strenuous yet left me with the best memories I can ever recall.

Let me first give you an Intro about the college first.

Emerson College is in Multan. It was established in 1926 (No, I haven't done any research, it is written on the main board). Many notable personalities graduated from here including Inzamam-ul-Haq.

Okay, that's enough of the history or geography what that was.

I went there for Intermediate (F.Sc). I was in fact late for the admission but I somehow got admission. When I went to the admission office he said that you are late. I have been to other colleges and that's why I was late for admission, So I do not want to move to another one now.

I was still thinking when he asked my Matric marks. I told him my marks which more or less impressed him and he gave me the admission form.

My first day of college was not actually the first day for my other fellow students. I was two days late.

I think finding your class is more difficult than the exams. When I reached my class and was about to enter, I noticed something was missing.

Something that was missing were the students. There were no students in the class.

What a college it must be, a whole classroom for me alone!! Meanwhile, I was thinking, someone told me the class was in Physics Lab.

"Lab, where it is?", I asked.

He said pointing towards a room, the lab actually, "There".

So, I finally met with my classmates in the class. Lab attendant was there and gave me a Vernier Callipers and a few cylinders.

What a welcome! I was the only one new there, so I tried to measure the diameter. It was not long enough until I realized that no one was doing so.

"Hey, when you finish writing let me write the observation too." , the boy sitting next to me said to me.

After two hours, we finally got to study in the class.

The only thing I learned that day was that I need to change my section. Of course, why would I waste my precious 2 hours in the lab doing nothing, I could watch a movie at that time in my house.

I was told about the SuperSection so I changed my section.

I don't know why it was called SuperSection, but I had my own theories about why it was called so.

Firstly, there was literally no lab and practicals work.

Secondly, the class was on a busy route, so you can sit on the last bench and can check out girls from the back door all day long.

I must admit, our class in charge was such a nice man that he never asked me why I was absent so many days ( Class bunks made easy).

There was our Islamiat teacher in First-year. He had the last lecture and he had his own way of keeping students from class bunks. 

He used to say that if any student would be absent more than 3 days he would strike off his name from the roll list and he would not be able to sit in the examination.

I was immune to his threats that I never except once attended his class. I had my section changed, so my name was not in his "list". In fact, he never knew that I was actually there. So how would he strike off my name if it were never there in the first place!

[To be continued]

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This is a quite general error and can be encountered for any of the latest games or even with some other software.

You can follow the following steps to fix this error for Call of Duty Black Ops, Far Cry 3/4/5/Primal, Tomb Raider, Fifa 13/14/15 etc or any other game.

Every PC gamer might have come by this error at least once. This error is very common and it really has a very simple fix but most of the people don't know how to fix it.

Why this error occurs

Windows is a perfect operating system for computers, but unfortunately, it isn't free from errors.

There can be very reasons for this error to occur the most probable being;

Compatibility issue: This error can be encountered if you try to run a program designed for 64-bit windows version on a 32-bit windows version, also a program designed for Windows 10 may not work in Windows 7 or other lower versions.

High graphic games: Most high-end graphics games require the latest versions of .Net Framework, Direct X and Microsoft Visual C++. You cannot run these kinds of games without the latest versions of these software programs.

How to fix this error

Run the program as administrator: If you get this error, the first thing you wanna do is to run the program under consideration as administrator. To do so right click on the program icon and click on run as administrator. Click on the yes when prompted for UAC.

Install VC Redist: If the above method did not solve your problem, then install the latest version of VC Redist by clicking on the download button. Remember at least 2015 version of VC Redist is necessary for some latest games like Far Cry 5/4 Witcher 3 etc, so make sure this particular version is properly installed. Remember this version is no longer supported in Windows 7. Following is the download link from official Microsoft website.

Direct X: If the error still persists then try installing the latest Direct X version from the official Microsoft website.

It is very painful to see your mobile's battery dying too quickly.

No matter how many times you charge it's always dead when you need it.

You can't always keep your mobile plugged in.

Power banks decrease your battery timing considerably, don't use them too frequently.

Well, the following steps will help to increase your mobile's battery timing and it's battery life.

1. Screen Brightness

Screens drain much battery. It can use as much as 50% of the battery or even more.

Do not keep your screen's brightness too high. Try to keep it as low as possible.

Most of the smartphones have "Auto screen brightness" option. Use it, it can be very helpful.

Set your timeout to as short as you can handle.

2.Hardware Radios

Most people keep their wifi, Data connection, Bluetooth etc. on even when they don't need it.

These radios also drain much battery. They are quite a burden on the battery.

Turning wifi or other such hardware radios off when they are not in use increases battery timing considerably.

This will also prolong long-term battery life as the battery is relieved from unnecessary stress.

3. Extra apps

Most apps keep running in the background without even your knowing. They also use battery (Obviously).

Do not install apps excessively that you don't even need.

If you have apps on your mobile that you no longer need or never needed, then it's time to get rid of them.

4. Excessive charge and Discharge

Charging your mobile, using it till it's battery dies and then recharging it, stresses the battery. 

Excessive charge and discharge have a negative impact on the battery whose lifetime is considerably reduced by this practice.

So, give your mobile some rest. Don't use your mobile ridiculously.

5. Battery Calibration

Over time, the remaining battery percentage which mobile shows and the actual charge in the battery tend to aberrate.

This is sometimes also a factor in decreasing battery timing and eventually long-term battery life.

It is good to calibrate your battery often.

It is very easy to do. Use your mobile and take your battery as low as you can (don't get your battery too low because it can damage the battery), then turn your mobile off and charge your mobile fully before turning it on.

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How many times you couldn't prepare completely for a test despite studying hard and long enough.

How many times did you forget something despite studying it.

Well, not any more.I have cited some tips on how to study faster and efficiently.You will be able to study all syllabus for the exam in one night if you follow these simple tips.

First of all, you should not leave all work for one night before exam.If you already did it, don't panic follow these tips and Inshallah, you will be able to cover all your syllabus.

1. Believe in Yourself

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This may sound odd, nut believe me this really matters.

If you think in your head, "OMG!! I can't do that, that's so much to study.I should've studied earlier!!", you'll never be able to do that.

Your brain works as you tell it to do.If you tell your brain that something is impossible, it would not even try to do that.It's a simple fact.

As you think, so shall you become.– Bruce Lee

You may remember Aamir khan's dialogue "All is well!" in "3 Idiots" movie.It's simply that I just said to you.

So, be confident, don't for a moment panic.Think that you can do it.

You probably had done this or something like that before.You would have worked under pressure before.This is not something new.So don't be scared.

When you are studying do not think of consequences like ,"What would happen if I fail to study properly!", "What if I can't cover whole or sufficient syllabus!", rather focus on the books and your present situation.

2.Study Area

Go to the place where you study usually.This will help your mind and body to prepare for study.

Your study place should have everything you need i.e., books, notes, drinking water etc.

Make sure your study place is away from any kind of disturbances.If not go to another place where no one would disturb you.

Your study table or anything where you sit must be comfortable.You should not feel any strain on your body, otherwise you would be tired very soon.

3.Turn off Mobile Phone

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Mobile phones can be very disturbing.They will drive your attention away from your studies.

You will be wasting much time using it unconsciously.So, either turn it off or keep it away from your sight and put it in silent mode so that you will not be able to hear any message alerts or something.

4. Divide your syllabus

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Assess your syllabus.Know how many chapters are there.Then see how many chapters you already learnt well (Believe me there always will be some chapters).Strike them out.

Now, divide the remaining chapters in two ways. 

i.Depending upon their difficulty level

 Divide all the syllabus in at least three categories.
  • Easy
  • Moderately difficult
  • Difficult
At least one-fourth of syllabus comprises easy chapters in most of the cases.Learn these chapters first.

You will be able to learn these chapters in very less time.This will give you confidence.

It's difficult to start study.During first hour you have to force yourself to study.So, learning easy chapters during this time will definitely prove helpful.

You will be quite relieved because the number of unprepared chapters will be decreased.This is just another mind trick.

After these chapters, move towards moderately hard and then the hard ones.

ii.Depending upon marks weightage

Divide your syllabus, once again, depending on the marks weightage.

Almost in all cases 30-40% syllabus carries 60-70% marks weightage.

Study these chapters first, and then move towards less important chapters.

5.Don't Get Tired

You have to prepare yourself for a continuous study.Be active and energetic.

Do not let tiredness decrease your efficiency and draw your attention away from study.

Be very vigilant.Just don't feel tiredness.Don't let it come anywhere near you.

Think of the reason why you are working hard.What this study can get you.Think of your success.

Be enough motivated to avoid tiredness.

6. Set Little Goals

Think of your syllabus divided into different "Stages" each followed by a bonus "Level".

Set different goals and give yourself little breaks or something that pleases you as a reward.

Goals can be anything.You can set a goal to study one chapter in specific time.Do not set very difficult goals which you cannot complete, because that would do more bad than good.

Be very careful about your "little breaks".If these are quite long, you will lose desire for further study.On the other hand if these are very short you will get tired very soon.

For example, a 20 minute break after 1.5 hrs study is best.

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