How to Study Faster.Cover all Syllabus in Much Less Time.Prepare for Exams more Efficiently.

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How many times you couldn't prepare completely for a test despite studying hard and long enough.

How many times did you forget something despite studying it.

Well, not any more.I have cited some tips on how to study faster and efficiently.You will be able to study all syllabus for the exam in one night if you follow these simple tips.

First of all, you should not leave all work for one night before exam.If you already did it, don't panic follow these tips and Inshallah, you will be able to cover all your syllabus.

1. Believe in Yourself

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This may sound odd, nut believe me this really matters.

If you think in your head, "OMG!! I can't do that, that's so much to study.I should've studied earlier!!", you'll never be able to do that.

Your brain works as you tell it to do.If you tell your brain that something is impossible, it would not even try to do that.It's a simple fact.

As you think, so shall you become.– Bruce Lee

You may remember Aamir khan's dialogue "All is well!" in "3 Idiots" movie.It's simply that I just said to you.

So, be confident, don't for a moment panic.Think that you can do it.

You probably had done this or something like that before.You would have worked under pressure before.This is not something new.So don't be scared.

When you are studying do not think of consequences like ,"What would happen if I fail to study properly!", "What if I can't cover whole or sufficient syllabus!", rather focus on the books and your present situation.

2.Study Area

Go to the place where you study usually.This will help your mind and body to prepare for study.

Your study place should have everything you need i.e., books, notes, drinking water etc.

Make sure your study place is away from any kind of disturbances.If not go to another place where no one would disturb you.

Your study table or anything where you sit must be comfortable.You should not feel any strain on your body, otherwise you would be tired very soon.

3.Turn off Mobile Phone

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Mobile phones can be very disturbing.They will drive your attention away from your studies.

You will be wasting much time using it unconsciously.So, either turn it off or keep it away from your sight and put it in silent mode so that you will not be able to hear any message alerts or something.

4. Divide your syllabus

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Assess your syllabus.Know how many chapters are there.Then see how many chapters you already learnt well (Believe me there always will be some chapters).Strike them out.

Now, divide the remaining chapters in two ways. 

i.Depending upon their difficulty level

 Divide all the syllabus in at least three categories.
  • Easy
  • Moderately difficult
  • Difficult
At least one-fourth of syllabus comprises easy chapters in most of the cases.Learn these chapters first.

You will be able to learn these chapters in very less time.This will give you confidence.

It's difficult to start study.During first hour you have to force yourself to study.So, learning easy chapters during this time will definitely prove helpful.

You will be quite relieved because the number of unprepared chapters will be decreased.This is just another mind trick.

After these chapters, move towards moderately hard and then the hard ones.

ii.Depending upon marks weightage

Divide your syllabus, once again, depending on the marks weightage.

Almost in all cases 30-40% syllabus carries 60-70% marks weightage.

Study these chapters first, and then move towards less important chapters.

5.Don't Get Tired

You have to prepare yourself for a continuous study.Be active and energetic.

Do not let tiredness decrease your efficiency and draw your attention away from study.

Be very vigilant.Just don't feel tiredness.Don't let it come anywhere near you.

Think of the reason why you are working hard.What this study can get you.Think of your success.

Be enough motivated to avoid tiredness.

6. Set Little Goals

Think of your syllabus divided into different "Stages" each followed by a bonus "Level".

Set different goals and give yourself little breaks or something that pleases you as a reward.

Goals can be anything.You can set a goal to study one chapter in specific time.Do not set very difficult goals which you cannot complete, because that would do more bad than good.

Be very careful about your "little breaks".If these are quite long, you will lose desire for further study.On the other hand if these are very short you will get tired very soon.

For example, a 20 minute break after 1.5 hrs study is best.

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