How to prolong your mobile's battery timing and battery life

It is very painful to see your mobile's battery dying too quickly.

No matter how many times you charge it's always dead when you need it.

You can't always keep your mobile plugged in.

Power banks decrease your battery timing considerably, don't use them too frequently.

Well, the following steps will help to increase your mobile's battery timing and it's battery life.

1. Screen Brightness

Screens drain much battery. It can use as much as 50% of the battery or even more.

Do not keep your screen's brightness too high. Try to keep it as low as possible.

Most of the smartphones have "Auto screen brightness" option. Use it, it can be very helpful.

Set your timeout to as short as you can handle.

2.Hardware Radios

Most people keep their wifi, Data connection, Bluetooth etc. on even when they don't need it.

These radios also drain much battery. They are quite a burden on the battery.

Turning wifi or other such hardware radios off when they are not in use increases battery timing considerably.

This will also prolong long-term battery life as the battery is relieved from unnecessary stress.

3. Extra apps

Most apps keep running in the background without even your knowing. They also use battery (Obviously).

Do not install apps excessively that you don't even need.

If you have apps on your mobile that you no longer need or never needed, then it's time to get rid of them.

4. Excessive charge and Discharge

Charging your mobile, using it till it's battery dies and then recharging it, stresses the battery. 

Excessive charge and discharge have a negative impact on the battery whose lifetime is considerably reduced by this practice.

So, give your mobile some rest. Don't use your mobile ridiculously.

5. Battery Calibration

Over time, the remaining battery percentage which mobile shows and the actual charge in the battery tend to aberrate.

This is sometimes also a factor in decreasing battery timing and eventually long-term battery life.

It is good to calibrate your battery often.

It is very easy to do. Use your mobile and take your battery as low as you can (don't get your battery too low because it can damage the battery), then turn your mobile off and charge your mobile fully before turning it on.

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